Monday, September 23, 2013

I'm unemployed

The Big Lebowski
Officer: And what do you do sir?
Dude: I'm unemployed

I like this quote because not only does it pertain to the subject matter, but the dude answers the question like being unemployed is his occupation.

And now the weekend is behind us except when one joins the unemployment club, which is me as of, to the best of my knowledge, last Friday although I haven't heard back from my ex-employer.  This is the first time in my life I find myself jobless, and it feels phenomenal.  Don't get me wrong; I like to work, in fact, I was brought up by parents who worked their asses off doing laborious and menial jobs, and their work ethic rubbed off on me until last week when I said "fuck it".  It was a decision that crept from the back of my mind over a period of time only to dictate my actions, plus parking in Russian Hill is brutal and the two buses I would normally take was another pandemonium I avoided to keep my sanity intact, which I did because once I got home from not going to work I went straight to the Hoha to drink, watch the Giants game, and hang out with a couple of ultra cool people.
     The bar was semi packed.  The regulars were present of course as well as non regulars but still Richmond locals.  We talked idle conversation, the climate, hardly strictly coming up, movies, and tech. Actually Natalie and Jon talk about tech while I stare at nothingness in front of me or pretend to give a shit of what the unfamiliar jargon they reiterate. And I'm almost sure they do it on purpose just to leave me in the darkness. I don't really mind it though; they're good company, and it's fun to observe.
    On the way home we stop by the corner store for more booze as the routine goes. Up stairs we get a game of darts going. I win. And at some point we trek back to the corner store for more booze. We talked and bullshitted more and drank more and played more darts, Good times. To my surprise, I wasn't as hammered as I should'v been since I got home on my own two feet despite the incremental distance, a matter of blocks.  But I was pretty fucking beat when I got  home.  Could this be what unemployment is like everyday?

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